Generic LinkedIn requests turn buyers off, and we now have the data to prove it.


How do you reach out to a potential client on Linkedin??  Do you personal your message or just use the stock Linkedin message “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.”

The study below helps to show the important of doing a little research on the person you’re reaching out to and you can knock this off in as little as two minutes by looking on their profile for the following:

• Current roles and responsibilities with the company. 
• Employment background and field of related expertise. 
• Written testimonials or endorsements they have.

Now that you know a little about the person, personal your Linkedin invite like this:

“Hi Henry.  I’m looking forward to our meeting tomorrow and thought I would reach out to you on LinkedIn to connect. I noticed that you (personal observation and comment from their LinkedIn profile). See you at 9:30 am.”


Start your invite by making reference to their LinkedIn Profile (and thanking them for connecting with you if so).  You have just found an initial icebreaker to start the conversation while still staying on professional ground.

Take a look at the study by here…

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